Earn a Leadership Certificate
Global Cougar Leadership Program (CLP) Overview: The Global Cougar Leadership Program is a 6-week non-credit program tailored for Global students to cultivate leadership skills on an individual level and within a group setting. The program emphasizes self-development, personal growth, and the acquisition of leadership competencies. Click here to register.
Workshop Schedule:
- Weekly Meetings: Wednesdays from 5:15 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. PT
- Kick-off Session: September 18, starting at 5:00 p.m. PT
- Following Dates: September 25, October 2, October 9, October 16, and October 23
Workshop Topics:
- Servant Leadership and Community Engagement
- Leadership to Profession/WSU Career Tools
- Conflict Management
- Emotional Intelligence
- Ethics and Integrity in Leadership
- Leadership in Action/Reflection (Please note that workshops are subject to change.)
Program Completion Requirements:
- Attend at least 5 out of the 6 workshops
- Complete a minimum of one hour of community service, facilitated through the Center for Civic Engagement
Additional Information:
- Register now for Fall 2024
- Registration will close on September 16, 2024
- Program Cost: Absolutely free!
Benefits Upon Completion: Participants who fulfill the program requirements will be awarded a certificate of completion, exclusive Coug swag, and a graduation cord for commencement ceremonies.
Students must be a Global Campus Services & Activities (S&A) fee payer and currently enrolled in WSU Global Campus. Students enrolled in the Electric Power Engineering Online Program (PSM), OMBA, and EMBA programs do not pay GC S&A fees and are not eligible. This is a non-credited certificate program.
For any questions on the Global Campus Coug Leadership Program, please email: getinvolved@wsu.edu.
What Global Cougs are Saying About the Cougar Leadership Program
Excellent. Learned so much and made great connections!
11/10, would highly recommend! In all seriousness, one of the best programs I’ve been in. The presenters were amazing, and all of us students meshed really well. Every Tuesday night was like a therapy session in a way, you got to learn more about yourself, grow, and have SO much fun with your peers. Every night we met I exited Zoom feeling inspired and refreshed in a way that I haven’t felt in ages. I was able to connect with two of our speakers personally, one of which I owe a coffee date in Pullman, and the other I owe thanks to possibly helping me finally figure out my ideal career path! If I could take this program over and over again, or join others like it, I would in a heartbeat. Absolutely incredible work, Ashley and team!! Thank you SO much for giving us this opportunity!
Informative and relevant to the current state of affairs; impacting internal and external factors within organizations throughout the globe.